I began posting journaling videos on YouTube a few months ago and it’s been a fun journey!
I share a new video every Monday and Friday, and I must admit sometimes it is tough trying to get that accomplished.
But I want my friends and subscribers to know when a new video is coming and not to be left waiting.
Sure it probably doesn’t matter all that much but I want to stay consistent.
That helps viewers know what to expect but also the whole google / youtube algorithm concept.

Once I heard it explained like television shows.
If every Tuesday at 8:00pm your favorite program airs, and suddenly it’s not there, you are left wondering why.
Then if you skip a week, by the following week you may have forgotten what happened and need a recap.
Content publishing is sort of like that. Sharing articles or videos on a schedule helps your channel overall.
Okay enough about all those logistics!
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About the Videos
If you haven’t had the chance to check out any of my videos, I’ll explain more about them.
I share journal with me style content, where I craft and create artistic pages in a notebook.
Occasionally I include a talking voice over in the video, but for the most part I include music.
Chill lofi type music the most actually, thanks to Epidemic Sound.
I’ve never been skilled at other artistic talents like drawing, painting, or hand crafts like pottery.
I know how to loom knit but making hats is all I’ve ever really accomplished.
But papercrafts have always been my realm of being creative along with nature photography.
I used (and still want to) scrapbook a lot. But that can be a big project with a lot more thought and details involved.
But when I discovered junk journaling, it was like I found my crafty calling!
The opportunity to be creative with no set rules or guidelines.
| Related Article: What is Junk Journaling?
Crafter Quote
I enjoy watching other junk journal creators on youtube.
and what I love the most is we all make such different designs with our unique styles.
Two of my favorite journalers on Youtube are Ms.Paperlover and The Paper Outpost
I love how The Paper Outpost creater, Pam often says, “Go forth and craft the reckless abandon”
That always speaks to me as a person who never really excelled at art but enjoys being creative.
When creating a junk journal you get be as wild on the notebook pages as you want!
My go to style tends to be nature themes and vintage looking cardstock.
Stickers are always another favorite.
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Journaling Recommendations
If you are a journaling enthusiasts, or are looking to get started with this craft.
Here are my three go to journaling items!
The Official Bullet Journal Edition Notebook
The Feela Dotted Page Journaling Craft Kit
I use all three of these items on a weekly, and sometimes daily basis, for several years!
If you want to hear about more crafting products check out:
| Related Article: Gift Guide for Journal Lovers
Where to find my videos
If you are interested in watching my journal with me videos, they are available on Youtube at RLS Photogenic.
Here is a direct link: https://www.youtube.com/@rlsphotogenic/videos
I would love to have you subscribe and please be sure to comment below this article or on any video so we can connect!
I’m also on Pinterest if you’d like to see more social media content!
Here is some more content to explore!
For Family History printable worksheets and Journaling Products, please visit my Etsy shop: https://rlsphotogenicllc.etsy.com
Use promo code RLSBLOG at checkout for a 5% discount!
Journal with Me Videos:
RLS Photogenic YouTube Channel
About RLS Photogenic:
RLSPhotogenic.com is dedicated to Preserving Memories for Future Generations with tips for journaling, family tree research, personal sharing, and more!
To learn more about the blogger behind the content, visit the: About Me Page
Contact Info:
Email: RebekkaRLSPhotogenic@gmail.com
Thank you for your support!
If you enjoy the free resources from RLS Photogenic, please consider providing a financial contribution.
Any amount helps towards website fees, platform service charges, journaling materials, Etsy listing costs, and time spent writing, filming, editing, etc.
Thank you for your consideration, – Rebekka
Click Here to Support Content Creation!*Disclaimer: RLS Photogenic Productions L.L.C is an affiliate for: Amazon.com, Ancestry.com, Storied and Epidemic Sound, and earns a small commission from qualifying purchases. There is no extra cost to the buyer. Thank you for your support! RLS Photogenic also participates in Google AdSense. The content on RLSPhotogenic.com and @RLSPhotogenic social media accounts are based on the author’s opinion and not that of the product, brand, or service provider. There are no guarantees of product availability, product usage or condition. To learn more click here: Affiliate Marketing