If you are looking for some new, unique journaling supplies, Redbubble is a great option to check out!
Incase you aren’t familiar with Redbubble.com it is an online print-on-demand (POD) storefront featuring 700k + artists.
And with any purchase you make, you are supporting small business owners and entrepreneurs.
This helps the creative space all around, including your own personal journaling creations!

[I’m not affiliated with Redbubble in any way. I simply enjoy supporting small business owners. I have a shop of my own if you’d like to check it out! RLSPhotogenic.redbubble.com]
Chances are, any type of interests you have, there is artwork available to choose from.
And that interest or design is likely on a journaling supply items.
There are also over 60 physical products to search.
If you are having trouble finding something, comment at the end of this article and I will try my best to help you find what you are looking for.
Read on to learn more!
| Related Article: Journaling & Small Businesses
How does Redbubble work?
Redbubble.com is a print-on-demand shop, meaning a physical product is only manufactured / created if a shopper orders an item.
In my opinion this is environmentally friendly, compared to an inventory of unused goods.
Shoppers can use the search bar to type in and look for specific design elements.
For example, say you like purple dragons. You can enter that theme and search for products featuring art of purple dragons.
If you are looking for a certain physical product, be sure to include that too.
For example, include keywords “spiral notebook”
You can then look through all the search results until you find a design you like.
Next, you select any options available (example, lined versus graph paper), choose a quantity, and add to cart.
Last, proceed to check out and soon you will receive your special item!
Journaling Supplies on Redbubble
Okay, so now getting in to the specifics about journaling supplies available on Redbubble!
While there are thousands of designs, there are also 60+ physical products, that each have personal options, to choose from!
For journal crafting purposes, you can find:
- Stickers, with options of Glossy, Matte, Transparent and 4 sizes
- Hardcover Journals, options of ruled line, graph, or blank pages
- Spiral Notebooks, options of ruled line or graph pages
- Postcards and Greeting Cards
- Washi Tape inspired stickers
- Photograph prints in 4 size options
Now to tie it back to the example I used earlier.
If you find a design you like for the purple dragon theme you are looking for, now you can choose a journal item to have that design on, such as a sticker.
In the scenario you find an image you love but aren’t sure if it is on a crafting item, scroll down on the listing to where it says “also available on”
This will show you other options in the Redbubble seller’s shop.
So between 700,000 artists, and 60 physical products, there are really over a million art designs to choose from!
|Related Article: What is a Junk Journal
Sneak Peek at my Redbubble Shop:
I am working on updating some of my listings but if you’d like to check out my online store, visit:
I appreciate your support!
For more journal related articles, click here:
Thanks for reading! Happy Journaling,
Here is some more content to explore!
For Family History printable worksheets and Journaling Products, please visit my Etsy shop: https://rlsphotogenicllc.etsy.com
Use promo code RLSBLOG at checkout for a 5% discount!
Journal with Me Videos:
RLS Photogenic YouTube Channel
About RLS Photogenic:
RLSPhotogenic.com is dedicated to Preserving Memories for Future Generations with tips for journaling, family tree research, personal sharing, and more!
To learn more about the blogger behind the content, visit the: About Me Page
Contact Info:
Email: RebekkaRLSPhotogenic@gmail.com
Thank you for your support!
If you enjoy the free resources from RLS Photogenic, please consider providing a financial contribution.
Any amount helps towards website fees, platform service charges, journaling materials, Etsy listing costs, and time spent writing, filming, editing, etc.
Thank you for your consideration, – Rebekka
Click Here to Support Content Creation!*Disclaimer: RLS Photogenic Productions L.L.C is an affiliate for: Amazon.com, Ancestry.com, Storied and Epidemic Sound, and earns a small commission from qualifying purchases. There is no extra cost to the buyer. Thank you for your support! RLS Photogenic also participates in Google AdSense. The content on RLSPhotogenic.com and @RLSPhotogenic social media accounts are based on the author’s opinion and not that of the product, brand, or service provider. There are no guarantees of product availability, product usage or condition. To learn more click here: Affiliate Marketing