RLS Photogenic

Preserving Memories for Future Generations

Journal Monthly

At the start of each month I create a new section in my bullet journal.

I start with the month at the top of the page, then draw a small dates calendar, and note any reminders (birthday, travel, events, days off)

Then I set 3 or 4 goals for that month.

I keep it simple, nothing complicated. Just little things I want to do to enjoy my time such as paint, go to a park, buy a new plant, read a book, or do a puzzle etc.

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|Related Article: Journaling Ideas

On the bottom I create a space to add a sticker at the end of the month to reflect the overall time.

(for example- a sticker of flowers if I started a new garden)

On the second page I create a day tracker system. You can get creative with this!

I change it up based on the season. I use a stencil to design shapes to color in based on the day.

(for example- orange for happy, blue for sad, gray for stressed)

The third and fourth page I leave blank to jot down any journal entries about what I did on a particular day.

In the future I can look back on the year to see what months were good, bad, average, or exciting, while also recording memories.

|Related Article: Your Grandparent's Story 

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    RLSPhotogenic.com is dedicated to Preserving Memories for Future Generations with tips for journaling, family tree research, personal sharing, and more!

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    Email: RebekkaRLSPhotogenic@gmail.com

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    Thank you for your consideration, – Rebekka

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    3 thoughts on “Journal Monthly

    1. I’ve heard a lot about bullet journals and they seem so nice! Such a creative and fun way to stay organized!

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