It’s that time of year where the cold, gray days all seem to blend together with no end in sight. Everything is kind of mundane and boring. Until, Valentine’s Day arrives!
Okay sure, it’s not the biggest, greatest holiday to celebrate. But I’ll take it!
It’s a bright way to enjoy an otherwise dull season in the calendar year.
To learn more about the background of Valentine’s Day click here:

For the Whole Family
Whether you are enjoying the single life, starting out your family, or decades with the same partner it can be a special day! Years ago I saw a family do the concept of “I Love You” day and thought that was so sweet!
With that in mind I came up with a list for everyone to enjoy some simple and fun Valentine’s Day Activities.
(Through out this article I have some Amazon product affiliate links. There is no extra cost to the buyer. I may receive a small commission to help my blog business*)
Valentine’s Day Activities
If you are enjoying the single life, celebrate the love with friends and family!
As many of you know February 13th is Galentine’s Day. A day for spending time with your gal-friends. It’s a perfect excuse to go out, or stay in, and do something fun.
- Go out to lunch or dinner
- Binge watch your favorite tv show (I recently started watching The Gilmore Girls for the first time)
- Go see a new movie in theaters
- Find a find entertainment venue in your area (bowling, roller skating, escape room challenges, mini golf, arcades, ice skating)
- Take a day trip
- Shop at your favorite stores
- If you can’t plan something big, maybe just all meet up on your lunch breaks from work
Life can be so busy that it is hard to find a moment to all get together.
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Virtual Valentine Ideas
My best friend from junior high onward, lives all the way in Florida (I’m in NY) It can be hard to just text back and forth at the same time of day (LOL)
So I understand the struggle that you may not get to physically be with your girlfriends.
- Schedule a video chat date
- Virtually watch a movie together at the same time! (I do this with my sister)
- Play a game together virtually! Either a video game or via video chat (the game BattleShip works well for this!)
- Mail each other a card with special note
This video game is fun for both in person or virtually to play with multiple people.

Valentine’s Day is a special day to celebrate your love with a partner. The beginning of a relationship it can be new and exciting and you go all out with planning.
But as time goes by it can easily just be glossed over. Buying a box of chocolates and a card can feel like a yearly routine.
With schedules being so busy you may not be able to go on dates often. But try to have a date on February 14th, even if it’s just at home!
So to keep things fun and interesting with your boyfriend/girlfriend/fiancé/spouse here are some Valentine’s Day activities and ideas!
- If you exchange cards, write a special note
- Go to your favorite restaurant
- Play some board games
- Participate in a class from Uncommon Experiences
- Watch your favorite movie
- Check your local area for a fun entertainment venue
- Take a scenic drive even if there’s no specific destination
- If you live in a warmer climate, do an outdoor activity (It’s 6 degrees in New York as I write this….)
- Take a walk through a park, play outdoor lawn games, visit a botanical garden
- Cook a meal or bake a dessert together
- Do a day trip in your area
- Spend a night at a resort or hotel. Even just two days is a nice little get away!
- Play your favorite music and dance!
- Start a relationship journal together with the goal to write for a year. You can read it back next Valentine’s Day!
The love shared and expressed on February 14th doesn’t just have to be with romantic partners. It can be for the whole family!
Some of my favorite memories are special Valentine’s Day activities that I did with my family growing up.
My mom always gave me a heart shaped box of chocolates and a valentine’s card. Snoopy is always one of our favorites!
When my little sister came along (we have a 17 year age gap) we had some fun parties too! One year we did a little tea party with decorations and pink icing cake.
Here are some fun activities to do with the kids:
- Have a tea party
- Watch a valentine’s day cartoon movie
- Prepare little cards for their friends together
- Build an indoor fort
- Do some crafts!
- Paint their nails pink or red
- Wear red and pink valentine outfits and take some fun photos together
- Color valentine pages
Product Links
Crazy Forts Set (Shout out to my friend Whitney, she has this for her son and it looks so cool!)
Hallmark Kids Mini Valentines Day Cards Assortment
Disney Valentine’s Shirts (youth-adult)
Long Term Relationships
As time goes by it can become difficult to think of how to make Valentine’s Day activities still special. It may take some creativity but simply showing love and appreciation is what matters!
I learned this especially through my grandparents. In his mid 80’s my grandfather was mostly housebound and had difficulty writing, but he would still ask the family to help buy a Valentine’s card for his wife of 50+ years.
This was one of the sweetest gestures that I will always remember.
I don’t know if my mom ever even knew this. (If she is reading my blog, she will now) When I lived with my grandma, while my grandfather was in a nursing home. My grandmother would keep his card on the bed with her at night.
That to me, is the most profound true love I think I have ever witnessed.
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- Look through photo albums of all the wonderful memories together
- Watch your wedding video together
- Maybe even have some similar wedding cake while you watch!
- Write in a journal your favorite memories together over the years
- Play your favorite board game or card game
- Do a valentines puzzle
- Spend a day at your favorite place to go together
- Enjoy the seasonal Valentine’s treats from Dunkin Donuts
Gift Ideas:
My boyfriend knows I love receiving cards from him! and that I will inevitably save them forever in a box until the end of time haha
Some years he has even bought me two cards, one that is funny and one that is sentimental.
Here are some gift ideas!
- Give the gift of a class from Uncommon Experiences (I recently took one for making a Succulent Terrarium!)
- Shop Hallmark Cards by clicking Here
Leather Journal– Husband
Leather Journal – Wife
Thank you for reading all about Valentine’s Day activities and I hope you have a wonderful Valentine’s Day!
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Fantastic post with great Valentine’s Day celebration ideas for everyone!
Thanks so much for reading! Happy Valentine’s Day!
Great post! We try to implement a few of these ideas, last time we did Family movie night and went out to dinner!
That’s so great! Happy Valentine’s Day! Thanks for reading!
great ideas!
Thank you!
Your ideas are amazing! Will definitely be trying them out.
Awesome! Thanks for reading!
Great ideas for families and long-term relationships! Thanks for sharing
Happy to share! Thanks for raining
I love how you added activities for families for Valentine’s day, and I agree with you. Families should celebrate it and your ideas are great. Now I’m looking forward to a manicure with my kid to get red/pink nails. Thanks for sharing!
Aw that’s so great! I think Valentine’s can be fun for everyone! Thanks so much for reading!
I love all of these activities! There’s some of the ‘old school’ gifts, viburnum at the same time there’s new ones if someone wants to be a little different this year. Thanks so much for sharing! These are all so cute!
Thanks so much! Happy Valentine’s Day! Thank you for reading!
I love how you have ideas for everyone! Lots of different things that can be done to celebrate Valentine’s Day.
Thanks so much! Happy Valentine’s Day!
That was great! It’s so Nice when we can get together with family or friends and spend time doing activities keeping each other entertained and enjoying the moments together. Ty for sharing.
Thanks so much for reading! Happy Valentine’s Day!
Love these ideas! I love that you included something for everyone! It’s cold here in the UK too but a spa trip may just be on the cards!
That’s awesome! Have fun and Happy Valentine’s Day!
Wow, what a thorough article! I love that you offer alternative for couples, family, and single people. And those husband and wife journals look cool.
Thank you! Yes I truly believe it can be a day for everyone. Happy Valentine’s Day!
I love these ideas!
Thank you! Happy Valentine’s Day!
I loved coming home from school and seeing the candy and card my mom had for me and my sisters. I think about it every Valentine’s Day and I’m 48 now!
Aww that’s so sweet! It’s the little moments that stick with us forever! Happy Valentine’s Day!
Great ideas, thanks for sharing! I think we are going to try the tea party with toddlers and make some chocolate covered strawberries! Yum!
That sounds so fun! Enjoy! Happy Valentine’s Day!
We like to spend Valentine’s Day as a family. Thanks for the ideas!
That’s wonderful! Happy Valentine’s Day!
Love that you have so many inclusive ideas! Thank you for the reminder of the video chat date. Great time to reach out and remind close friends and family how much they are cared for.
Absolutely! Thanks for reading! Happy Valentine’s Day!
Great Valentines ideas for all ages and for everyone. Thank you for sharing 🤗
Pastor Natalie (ExamineThisMoment)
Thanks so much for reading! Happy Valentine’s Day!
Wonderful ideas!
Thank you! Happy Valentine’s Day!
Single this year 😅
So I’ll be trying your Galentine’s idea of binge watching a show. I have read the book “Kindred” by Octavia E. Butler so I’ll probably binge watch the new Hulu series on it.
Sounds fun! Thanks for reading! Happy Valentine’s Day!
Great ideas here! Some are nostalgic🤗
Thanks so much! Happy Valentine’s Day!
I love valentines Day! It’s such a fun holiday to celebrate. Great ideas!
Thank you! Happy Valentine’s Day!