I am excited to share this article all about organizing paperwork!
Do you know where all of your family papers are located? For either genealogy records or just personal files. Additionally, is it well organized?
If not, I hope you continue reading for some helpful organizational tips!
I love sorting files, but I know it’s not for everyone so I am here to assist! It may take a few hours but it will save you time in the long run so you are not searching for things in a hurry.
Learn how to organize your paperwork with some simple steps below:

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(Disclaimer: Throughout this article are product link recommendations. RLS Photogenic is an Amazon Associate and earns a small commission from qualifying purchases. There is no extra cost to the buyer. )
Steps for Organizing Paperwork:
1. Create a List of Papers and Files
Grab a notebook and write out a list of types of papers and files that you would like to organize.
This is a good starting point to determine what to gather together. It will help your thoughts snowball into other items you may have forgotten about or simply not thought of.
Here some examples:
- Birth Certificates
- Social Security Cards
- Marriage Records
- Divorce Records
- Adoption Papers
- Important Payments
- Bank Statements
- Insurance Policies
- Immigration Records
- Death Certificates
- Medical Records
- Family Tree Research Documents
- Occupation Paper and Records
- Newspaper Clippings (special announcements, marriages, obituaries, etc.)
- School Related Clippings (graduations, activities, clubs, honor roll, yearbook photos, sports, music performances, diploma certificates etc.)
[As a side note- save a minimum 5 years worth of financial records for yourself and loved ones, you never know when you may need this information. Especially when caring for someone who may need nursing home/ long term care in the future.]
2. Where are these Papers?
Next create a second list and write out where you think papers you want to organize might be located.
For example, if you have a certain box, notebook, drawer, closet, or room you tend to stash random papers, note all of this information. This will help you stay focused for the next step!
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3. Start Searching!
Put on some fun music, YouTube video, tv show, or movie and begin looking for all those papers. I like watching videos from Kilee Rainbow or listening to Chillhop Music or Vault of Ambience.
Try your best to begin with the two lists you wrote out. I know all too well what it’s like to go down the organizational rabbit hole! I tend start with one task and accidently end up doing something completely different.
Maybe even set a timer to stay on track. I use my Alexa Echo Dot sometimes to set timeframe limits to move on to the next thing.
Consequently if you can’t find a file you are looking for, make note of it, and set a reminder to search again at another time.
Jot down where you think it might be. Ask family members if they might know where the paperwork is located.
As you find documents starting setting them aside into file holder organizers.
I have one of these at home and use it every day for storing mail and miscellaneous papers, and then sort it all for filing once a month.
Amazon Basics Plastic Desk Organizer – Magazine Rack, Black, 2-Pack*
4. Gather Supplies
Now gather all of your organizational office supplies!
Bring back the excitement you once had for new school supplies! Pens, notebooks, folders, organizers, etc.
Here are some items I like to use both at home and at work.
Desk File Organizer 5 Sections Upright Mesh Desktop Organizer *
Amazon Basics Hanging File Folders, Letter Size, Aqua, 25-Pack*
Portable File Organizer Box with Lid, Collapsible Hanging Filing Storage Boxes*
5. Organization Begins!
I usually start with a divider like this, so that I can separate out items:
Amazon Basics Expanding Organizer File Folder, Letter Size – Black & Gray, 2-Pack*
Start by going through one page, packet, or folder at a time.
Create piles of similar documents. If you are organizing family paperwork, sort by person and family unit.
If you have kids, create a folder for each child of important documents that can provided to them at the appropriate age.
Use different colored notebooks to write down any other important information that goes along with these papers)
Pendaflex Two-Tone Color File Folders Letter Size – 100 Pack of 12 Assorted Colors*
Mead Composition Notebooks, 6 Pack, College Ruled Paper, Assorted Colors*
If you are sorting genealogy family research paperwork use these same types of systems. Also a helpful tip is to include a family tree chart with names, dates, and photos at the beginning of the folder/notebook/scrapbook.
That will then be a reference point for future generations to understand who each person is and how the paperwork is connected to them.
An album like this works great for storing standard 8.5×11 documents in a scrapbook type form:
For very important documents or small valuable items I recommend this safe box. Possessions will remain safe in any natural disasters.
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6. Label all Files
Be sure to mark each folder, notebook, album, or box with proper labels. Be as specific as possible.
Additionally, don’t just write “Bank Statements”, identify “Chase Bank Savings Account, Year 2022”
and it’s okay to have 100 different folders! Get crazy, have fun, put them in alphabetical or rainbow colored order if you want to!
These sticker labels can help for writing out tags in advance so you can switch titles on folders easily instead of having to cross things out on the file tabs.
Avery File Folder Labels on 4″ x 6″ Sheets, Easy Peel, Assorted, Print & Handwrite, 2/3″ x 3-7/16″*
Task Complete!
Congratulations! You have gotten to the end of the process!
Take a break and enjoy your newly organized filing system!
Just a tip for the future, try to stay consistent and adding new papers to their proper filing home.
Set aside time once a month or so to go through any new papers. As long as you do that you should be good to go!
Here is some more content to explore!
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RLSPhotogenic.com is dedicated to Preserving Memories for Future Generations with tips for journaling, family tree research, personal sharing, and more!
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Email: RebekkaRLSPhotogenic@gmail.com
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Really great tips!
Thank you!
I don’t like paper why I like to organize myself with technology
This is a great idea and helpful, especially in reducing clutter and junk around the house. Having your papers all in one place that is easy to get to is also important during a natural disaster. Thanks for the great tips!
Absolutely! Thanks for reading!
Great ideas – listing all the important papers / accounts and the location is a great idea for someone who may need to find it if you are unable to.
Thanks so much! And yes! The organization can help incase there is an emergency. Thanks for reading!
Great tips! Dividers and labels are one of my favorite things when it comes to organizing paperwork!
Same here! Thanks for reading!
This is a reminder to me that I have a huge stack of papers in my office that need filing! Thank you for sharing these great tips.
Great tips! Thanks for sharing!
Thank you! Thanks for reading!
I really like how you broke this down into manageable steps. Paper is a never-ending source of clutter in my home so I really appreciate your simple approach. Thank you!
Thanks so much! I agree! it just continues on haha Thanks for reading!
Hi Rlsphotogenic
Many don’t realize the importance of organizing.
Well, these are all great tips as you have already mentioned.
I like this post and thanks for sharing as it goes a long way,
It’s so silly that some people just don’t get that,
so I’m glad you reiterated it here.
I appreciate you for taking out the time and shed some new light on this old topic.
found so much value in this post that I shared it on my blog of course linking back to the original post.
Have a good day.
Thanks so much for reading!
Perfect for an organization reset heading into a new year. I love staying organized and this is helpful!
Thanks so much for reading!
This was a great post. This has great tips for organizing paperwork!! Also, I never thought to write out my family tree on paper. That’s a good idea!
Happy to help! Thanks for reading!
What great ideas! Thank you!
Thanks for reading!