Sharing a short blog article this week due to a busy couple of days around Thanksgiving. I hope you had a wonderful holiday celebration with family and friends!
I had some days off from work this past week and enjoyed spending the extra time with my family.
On Tuesday evening my boyfriend and I did some holiday Christmas shopping. Then over the next few days I was able to see my grandmother at her nursing home, as well as spending time with my Uncle, and Thanksgiving with my Mom, Sister, and Stepdad. Over the weekend I was able to catch up with my boyfriend’s family as well.
Life can be so busy with working, house chores, and errands that weekends just end up being trying to catch up with things. So it can be really refreshing to have a few days to spend time with everyone.
I even launched in to the Christmas season and got all my decorations set up and completed! My holiday shopping is about 95% done as well!
To read some recent articles, here are direct links!
Holiday Shopping Tips & Gift Ideas
For a free Holiday Activities printable sheet click here:
Thanks for reading, and next week I will be back to sharing more detailed articles!
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