Years ago when my husband and I first started dating, we shared a relationship journal.
It was a simple red spiral bound notebook that we exchanged every time we met up for a date.

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What is a Couple’s Journal?
We used it as a type of traditional letter writing in these modern times of technology. Texting, video chats, and phone calls are nice but an old fashioned hand written note is extra special.
That honeymoon phase is long over (haha) but the notebook remains! Preserving those beginning days of our relationship.
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It is safely tucked away in a memory box with all sorts of mementos from the past 8 years.
I share this to show how fun and creative journal writing with your significant other can be.
So in this article I cover the topic of starting a relationship journal!
How do you maintain a Relationship Journal?
My advice for maintaining a journal with your loved one is by coming up with a system that works best for both of you.
Decide if you want to exchange thoughts freely and lighthearted, or have structured journal prompts. (ideas on that below, keep reading!)
Whether that be exchanging a notebook between dates, sending it in the mail, or even a shared google document if virtual is more your style.
If you live together or see each other often, maybe set aside a time each day, week, or month to answer questions and write together.
Whatever makes sense and you both find enjoyment in, is the way to go!
Does Journaling Help Relationships?
I am by no means a relationship specialist, but do I think it can be a sentimental activity? Absolutely!
However, it certainly can not solve all relationship problems. But it is a new avenue of communication and getting to know each other.
There is the opportunity to have fun conversations to learn about yourself and about your partner.
Upon researching ideas for journal prompts to include in this article, there were several things I read and thought, “I have no clue what Greg’s responses to this would be” LOL
When you live with your significant other for a long time it’s easy to think you know everything there is to know about them. But that’s probably not the case.
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Relationship Journal Prompts!
Here is a list of questions that you can answer individually and together as a couple! Some of these ideas came from various apps, social media, and books. Have fun!
- Do you have any goals or aspirations? How can I help you achieve them?
- What is your favorite movie and why?
- What’s the best way for us to communicate? What works well for you?
- How can we enjoy time together as a family? Are we too busy and overscheduled? How can we address that?
- How many children and grandchildren do you think we will have?
- What legacy do we hope to leave for our children?
- If money was not an issue, where would you like to go for a romantic getaway?
- What are your favorite things that we do together?
- What would you say is “our song” ?
- How often would you like to go on dates? What should we do during that time together?
- What was the last thing that we laughed really hard about?
- What are things you are most grateful for in our relationship?
- What was the best family vacation memory from your childhood? Would you like to go there again with our family?
- What is something we can do to improve our relationship?
- What kind of memories do you want to create together?
- What are some lessons we have taught each other?
- How does social media and technology affect our relationship? Is there anything we need to change?
- What are some things you didn’t know until after we were married/living together?
- Do you have any big fears? What are they?
- What are some of your favorite books? Should we read one together?
- What do you hope for in the next 5 years together?
For a printable of this list, please visit my Etsy Shop!

Notebooks & Supplies!
Here is a quick clickable list of some of my favorite notebook and journaling supplies available on Amazon*
Recollections Brand Stickers of all Varieties
Printable Journal!
For a pdf printable journaling booklet, I have an instant download available in my Etsy shop! Click here: Valentine Ephemera Prints
Use promo code RLSBLOG for a special discount!

Let the Writing Begin!
I hope these relationship journaling ideas have left you feeling inspired and hopeful for a new project with your loved one.
Just remember to have fun with it together and you may learn a lot about one another along the way.
Happy Journaling!
Journal With Me Video
Enjoy some Lofi music while we craft together creating journal pages in this video. Would love to have you subscribe!
For more articles click here: Journaling Ideas Archive
Here is some more content to explore!
For Family History printable worksheets and Journaling Products, please visit my Etsy shop:
Use promo code RLSBLOG at checkout for a 5% discount!
Journal with Me Videos:
RLS Photogenic YouTube Channel
About RLS Photogenic: is dedicated to Preserving Memories for Future Generations with tips for journaling, family tree research, personal sharing, and more!
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Any amount helps towards website fees, platform service charges, journaling materials, Etsy listing costs, and time spent writing, filming, editing, etc.
Thank you for your consideration, – Rebekka
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This is a great idea for couples, it’s a way of expressing thoughts and feelings that are often hard and sharing goals. Great article thank you
Absolutely! Sometimes it can be easier than a difficult conversation. Thank you for reading!
Wow! This was my first time reading about it! Sooo good!
Thanks for reading!
We tried just a back and forth journal once but it didn’t work well because it was a not so great time in our relationship and it turned out to be more of a complaint and negativity session than anything. But things are better now so maybe. We did just get a book over the holidays on conversation starters which is set up like a journal but we’re not really writing in it , just discussing. Maybe it will be a step back to the journals!
I understand! We all have our ups and downs in relationships. Wishing you the best! Thanks for reading!
This is very well thought out! What a cute way to stay connected? I love that these journals can live on and the memories are timeless.
Very true, the memories are cherished forever. Thanks for reading!
This is such a great idea! My husband and I are coming up on our ten year anniversary and have been reminiscing about the early days. We both have different timelines and versions of stories. This would’ve been a great thing to do back then especially since I knew he was the one right away.
Happy Anniversary! That is so true! We all have different versions of the same memory. Thanks for reading!
What a brilliant idea! Love this ❤️
Thanks so much!
What a great idea to enhance communication between couples. Then to have it as a keepsake is so very special. I love journaling for all different things and this is another great idea to add. Thanks!
That’s wonderful! Happy Journaling! Thanks for reading!
This is a great idea for couples. My husband and I have a journal like this we purchased and work out of together from time to time. It’s a great way to spend some time together and also discuss interesting prompts/topics.
That’s so great! Thanks for reading!
Great article on relationship. Found helpful. Thank you so much.
Thanks for reading!
This is a great idea for couples and comes across in such a fun way! Even for people who are single they could absolutely use these to plan what they want from life too!
That’s so true! Thanks for reading!
I love this idea especially when time with my husband is so limited. This could help us be more intentional with our time together.
I can relate! That’s a great idea. Thanks for reading!
This is such an awesome idea! Thanks for sharing!
Thank you! Thanks for reading!
What an interesting idea, a relationship journal. Will pin this post. Thanks for sharing it and have a fabulous day.
Thanks for reading!
Thank you so much for the mention and link. I really love what you are doing here, encouraging others to retain memories and sentiments, not just through relationship journaling but through photos, stickers and more. This is the same kinds of things that I hope to do but right now, you are certainly doing it better lol! Keep going!
Aw thanks so much for the kind note! Happy to share and Best of luck!
Although I don’t keep a relationship journal, however, as a trauma-informed writer I know about the benefits of journaling when healing after trauma, so I can imagine it would help in relationships as well. Thanks for sharing!
Yes that can be so helpful for healing! Thanks for reading!
An informative article. Thank you for sharing.
Thanks so much for reading!