RLS Photogenic

Preserving Memories for Future Generations

We all have challenging times in our lives at one point or another. It ranges from a bad day, to month, or even a year. But engaging in positive activities can help us cope.

Staying positive can be hard but try to remember time will pass and things will move forward.

I have had moments in life of feeling stuck in a holding pattern waiting for a change to better a situation. But I have learned ways to process these emotions and engage in positive activities either on my own or with family and friends.

Tips for Coping with Stress

These coping tips have helped me, and I hope they can help you too! Through out this article I have also included some websites and products you may enjoy as well!

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I know a lot of people cringe when they hear that word. It’s not for everyone. But there are so many avenues of writing!

From our education years it is engrained in us to write everything in formal essay form. But outside of school and work you can write how ever you prefer.

Personally I have always found comfort in expressing my thoughts writing with pen and paper in a journal. My earliest memory is scribbling in a Lisa Frank diary when I was about 5 years old.

My college application essay was about a health situation my relative had and its impact on me and my family. I didn’t necessarily realize it then but it helped me express what I was internalizing.

Sometimes it can help to simply get all the thoughts weighing you down, or stressing you out, written on a piece of paper. You could keep it, or throw it away. Either option allows you to get those emotions off your mind, especially if you don’t want to talk with others about the situation.

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    Journaling Kit

    Bullet Journal

    Journaling Pens


    When you are commuting to work or doing things around your home, what do you listen to?

    While I drive I listen to podcasts or music. It helps me to start the day with something positive that I enjoy to transition between the work and personal life.

    At home I often use an Alexa Dot. (I’ll admit a device listening kind of freaked me out at first but don’t our phones listen to us anyway?) I love that I can just ask it to play music, read an audiobook, tell me the news, or make a phone call while I am doing other tasks. It’s just a piece of technology but somehow it brings me comfort and fills the silence.

    If you have a smart tv you can use the YouTube app to stream scenic ambience videos with music or nature sounds! I do this at work on a computer as well to help keep the day going. It can create a cozy, calming, or festive vibe to enjoy during your every day tasks.


    Creating Art

    Okay so I fully admit I am not great, or even close to good, at art but I do still enjoy trying!

    I find when I am being creative, I see things a different way, more detailed. Especially when I take photographs.

    Some other types of art are painting, drawing, scrapbooking, creating designs and making crafts. It is a great hobby for relaxing, taking your mind off of other things, and expressing yourself.

    Crafting can be done on your own or with some friends! Some local organizations such as libraries hold classes. I have attended one for card making. It’s great around the holidays!

    What ever you create can be displayed in your home for years to come, or given away to a loved one as a gift.

    Related Article: Preserving Flowers

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    Journaling Craft Kit

    Recollections Craft Supplies


    Board games and video games are a fun, interactive way to spend time with family or self entertainment! My husband and I have an ever growing collection, that is great for rainy days and the cold winter months.

    I enjoy light hearted video games and feel like it’s an escape from reality to a colorful new place. It can be good for improving hand eye coordination and exercise as well with certain games.

    Board games are a more traditional play but bring out competitive challenges! YouTube channels The Dice Tower and Watch it Played help explain instructions beyond reading the booklet included.

    I always loved playing games with my Grandfather. He could name all the squares around the Monopoly board, by memory. We most frequently played Gin Rummy cards and the game Sorry.

    My absolute favorite video game is Spyro. My Uncle taught me how to play when I was little and I have loved it ever since.


    Everdell Game

    Hues and Cues color game

    Wingspan Bird Themed Game

    Spyro Video Game

    While we all can’t be happy 24/7, it helps to find little moments through out our week to find joy and some fun. When we look back we can focus on the happy times that got us through the difficult ones. If you have any ideas to share or questions, comment below!

    Here is some more content to explore!

    For Family History printable worksheets and Journaling Products, please visit my Etsy shop: https://rlsphotogenicllc.etsy.com

    Use promo code RLSBLOG at checkout for a 5% discount!

    Journal with Me Videos:

    RLS Photogenic YouTube Channel

    About RLS Photogenic:

    RLSPhotogenic.com is dedicated to Preserving Memories for Future Generations with tips for journaling, family tree research, personal sharing, and more!

    To learn more about the blogger behind the content, visit the: About Me Page

    Contact Info:

    Email: RebekkaRLSPhotogenic@gmail.com

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    Any amount helps towards website fees, platform service charges, journaling materials, Etsy listing costs, and time spent writing, filming, editing, etc.

    Thank you for your consideration, – Rebekka

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