RLS Photogenic

Preserving Memories for Future Generations

We have made it! Welcome to a New Year and Happy 2023!

With a new year on the calendar we commonly set resolutions or goals. Some we may keep, others not so much.

For 2023 I would like to encourage you to set goals for spending time and creating memories with friends and family.

new years 2023

It doesn’t have to be anything big or grand, simply little moments.

We are so overwhelmed by technology, entertainment, work, and other responsibilities that it can be difficult to take some time away from it all.

Set aside a little time each day, week, or once a month. Use that time, what ever you can schedule for a fun activity. Play a board game, have a movie night, take a drive for a change of scenery, work on a puzzle, go for a walk, dance to some music, or look through family pictures of years gone by!

On a daily basis try to have a meal together and talk about your day. Share stories of what you are looking forward to, or enjoyed most about that day.

These few minutes or hours can be a refreshing ‘break’ from the every day routines, while connecting with loved ones.

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    I hope you have a wonderful new year ahead with lots of new adventures and experiences!

    I’m looking forward to another year of blogging and sharing brand new content with you!

    Here is some more content to explore!

    For Family History printable worksheets and Journaling Products, please visit my Etsy shop: https://rlsphotogenicllc.etsy.com

    Use promo code RLSBLOG at checkout for a 5% discount!

    Journal with Me Videos:

    RLS Photogenic YouTube Channel

    About RLS Photogenic:

    RLSPhotogenic.com is dedicated to Preserving Memories for Future Generations with tips for journaling, family tree research, personal sharing, and more!

    To learn more about the blogger behind the content, visit the: About Me Page

    Contact Info:

    Email: RebekkaRLSPhotogenic@gmail.com

    Thank you for your support!

    If you enjoy the free resources from RLS Photogenic, please consider providing a financial contribution.

    Any amount helps towards website fees, platform service charges, journaling materials, Etsy listing costs, and time spent writing, filming, editing, etc.

    Thank you for your consideration, – Rebekka

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    *Disclaimer: RLS Photogenic Productions L.L.C is an affiliate for: Amazon.com, Ancestry.com, Storied and Epidemic Sound, and earns a small commission from qualifying purchases. There is no extra cost to the buyer. Thank you for your support! RLS Photogenic also participates in Google AdSense. The content on RLSPhotogenic.com and @RLSPhotogenic social media accounts are based on the author’s opinion and not that of the product, brand, or service provider. There are no guarantees of product availability, product usage or condition. To learn more click here: Affiliate Marketing

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    8 thoughts on “New Years!

    1. Great post. It’s so important to create the small memories as well as the big ones – and if don’t often happen unless you plan them! Thanks for sharing

    2. We get so busy making “boss moves” that we sometimes forget goals to make memories with our loved ones. Thank you for including this reminder. Happy 2023!

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