Thanks for checking out my blog and reading Conversation Starters for Holiday Gatherings!
As promised, here are some of my answers to questions listed in the conversation topics article:
What is a funny holiday gift you received and/or gave?
The funniest gift I ever received was when I was a child. There was this big huge box sitting by the Christmas tree, and I saved it to the very end to open. I was so excited! I tore off the wrapping paper and ripped the box open, and out I pulled- a set of purple snow pants….. It was like experiencing the movie, A Christmas Story.
Do you have festive Christmas pajamas or sweater?
Yes, I do! I tend to have a rotation of Snoopy Christmas Pajamas as the years go by. I’m a big Peanuts fan. I also have an “ugly Christmas sweater” with reindeer and snowflakes on it. My office job has a sweater holiday party every year so this my go-to outfit.
Do you prepare gifts with wrapping paper or gift bags?
Wrapping paper for 90% of gifts. I make wrapping gifts an event each year by trying to do it all in one day and putting on a holiday movie!
Is there a favorite cookie or dessert recipe you bake every year?
Yes! My grandfather used to make Congo Bars, the past several years I have made them as well at Christmas time. They are basically large chocolate chip cookie squares. Here is a recipe link-
If you could travel to anywhere in the world, where would you visit?
I would love to see where my ancestors came from in Poland, Italy, and France. On a United States vacation, I am a big Disney fan and would love to go to Disney Land or Disney World.
One type of animal do you feel you most identify with?
I think a rabbit.
Do you have a favorite mythical creature?
Dragons! It all began with the 1990s game Spyro (affiliate link – )
What is your favorite type of ice cream?
I really like chocolate chip cookie dough, chocolate chip and peanut butter, or moose tracks. Like the kind of ice cream that has bits of extra flavors in it, if that makes sense LOL
Family History Question- Types and places of occupations
One of my maternal ancestors was a candy maker, and another was a milk man in NY
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