One of my new year’s resolutions was to create more personal content.
So here we go!
We are now a few weeks in to 2025 and it has been quite busy.
I’m actually writing this on a Saturday evening to be exact, 6:30pm while my dinner is cooking in the oven.
Using my few minutes of “spare time” wisely to write a blog article.
We are also due to get several inches of snow tomorrow here in New York. Thankfully it is the weekend and my husband plans on staying home from work if he can. So yay! Snow day together!
Okay so now that we are caught up to speed on daily living, let’s get to the title of this blog.
Life is on the Move, in more places than one!
Starting with this- I feel like I am living in minor chaos.
Trying to keep things looking normal and organized the best I can while also preparing to move.
and here’s the extra kicker, my job is moving offices this month too…..
I can’t even say my car resembles a sense of normalcy because it’s a bit messy with things prepping for snow and some other random items.
Typically my car is spotless. A few months a go a woman saw my car and said- it’s clean! You must not have kids! LOL Facts.
All that to say, my world at the current moment is a mess of boxes, piles, and areas that are starting to look barren with things out of place.
Where are we moving to you ask?
Oh well here’s the other fun part.
The family home that my husband and I have been renovating for a year now, is still not done.
A few more rooms need to be painted, the floors spruced up, and we are waiting on a bathroom remodel to start (much less finish)
anddd our apartment lease is up February 28. yayyy!
Such fun! Can you feel the excitement radiating off this page, I bet you can!
Humor is a great way to cope with, let’s say stress.
I feel calm truthfully, but a slight bit of unsettledness lies beneath.
Our Future Home
But to answer the question at hand, my husband and I are moving from our apartment to a house on about 3 acres of land.
A very much needed change for me personally. I grew up with a lot of outdoor space and few neighbors so apartment living for the past 5 years has not been ideal.
Always made the most of it but really looking forward to having space to garden and grow herbs.
Dare I say a bit of homesteading is in my plans.
So then what is the plan if the house isn’t done?
Thankfully I have wonderful in-laws with space to house us until our future home is closer to being complete.
So we are basically packing up our apartment, to move items in to the house but not live there yet. and use our suitcases for this phase.
I know there may be a few weeks of difficulty, wanting to be done with a project that isn’t complete yet and waiting to be all settled in our new space.
But in time we will get there.
We have already come a long way with updates since January of 2024.
The House Itself
To provide a bit more back story, this house is not “new” to us.
It is actually a family member’s home that I spent many phases of life in, and it was originally build in the 1970s.
My husband and I do feel truly blessed, especially given the current economy for buying a brand new house.
We have invested in fixing up the property with both small and large improvements.
and the only full structure change is taking place in the two bathrooms. Which is a Very overdue project.
One of the bathrooms was still honestly 1970s green tiles. Some may call that charm, I call it outdated and needing a major refresh!
Just yesterday I finished thoroughly cleaning out and wiping down the big bookshelf we are having painted soon.
What we have changed
Much of what we have done is updating important things like getting a new boiler, modernizing electrical work, HVAC system updates, removing a dangerous deteriorating deck, and fresh paint through out the rooms.
We also removed carpeting, old wallpaper, and had to do a major clean out in the basement.
In the thick of things we feel overwhelmed, but when we look back on the year we realize how much we truly accomplished.
Especially without being able to take much time off from work and dealing with life’s other challenges.
All of this is also the reason why my content is a bit sporadic.
It’s hard to balance everything.
My go to phrase is – when we get settled in the house I plan on…..
Yea, we’ll see how that goes LOL
I’ll wrap this up for now until my new post, thank you so much for reading and following along!
Talk soon,
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