RLS Photogenic

Preserving Memories for Future Generations

A few months ago I shared an article about how Ancestry was launching a Know Your Pet DNA test kit.

Well I tried it out with my dog and am excited to share the results with you!

To read more from my first article click here: Dog DNA Test

But to learn what I found out about my dog, keep reading!

Know your pet dna

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Dog DNA Matches

I was honestly shocked to discover my dog, Adonai, matches with 385 other canines!

Thanks to their human owners, who also took part in doing a test kit and sharing their results.

Adonai has some matches that share as much as 27% DNA and also lives in the United States.

I do hope someday to match with the dog Noel he was found with when we adopted him back in 2015.

The Dog DNA matches through Ancestry Know Your Pet DNA share the:

  • Name of dogs matched
  • Percentage of DNA shared
  • Shared breed percentage
  • Photo if provided
  • Location

You also have the option to “favorite” matches and sort results by the amount of shared dna and date added.

The more dogs who take the test, the more options there are for matches and accurate results.

DNA Breed Report

Adonai’s DNA Breed Report explains that he is:

  • 60% American Pit Bull Terrier
  • 34% American Staffordshire Terrier
  • 6% American Bulldog

There is also information about the types of breeds, such as photos, common fur color patterns, height, weight, approximate age, and other helpful details.

Know Your Pet DNA Results Sheet

For a printable DNA Results sheet, click here: RLS Photogenic LLC Etsy

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Pet’s Trait Report

The last section about the Know Your Pet DNA results shares information about behavior and physical traits that may tied to your dog’s personality.

The traits are predictions based on the DNA but you can also edit the answers to match your dog.

This section includes a long list of topics but a few examples are your pet’s possible fears, anxieties, reactions, and their physical elements like coloring, snout, and tail.

Order a Kit

If you are interested in purchasing a Dog DNA test click here:

Know Your Pet DNA Test Kit

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