RLS Photogenic

Preserving Memories for Future Generations

Have you ever thought of journaling about Spring?

When you think of the Spring season, what comes to mind?

Maybe it’s warmer weather, rainy days, the sounds of birds chirping that returned to the area.

journaling about spring

Or grass turning vibrant green, trees starting to bud, and flowers beginning to bloom.

Do you think of busyness? Baby showers, weddings, work celebrations, holidays, the kids’ spring break, or setting travel plans.

For me, it’s the lingering excitement of Summer right around the corner. Just itching to get outside and start planting herbs and flowers.

I also tend to read and write more, while sitting outside on my deck.

Whatever you might think of, is a great starting point for a Spring themed journal!

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Related Articles: Journaling Ideas

How do you make a Spring Journal?

There are so many options of notebooks to choose from for creating a journal about Spring!

You could make it a big scrapbook, keep it as a simple journal, or use a small travelers notebook.

Think of all the details you love most about Spring and tie that in with the designs.

You could add flower petals, drawings of birds, notes about the weather, doodles of Spring themed books (like The Secret Garden), stickers, floral washi tape, and so many more creative elements.

Then write in greater detail about certain aspects of Spring.

Read on to hear more of those ideas!

In general the 3 types of notebooks I tend to have with me are:

One that was a gift and opens to lined pages but also has a built in zippered pocket to keep craft items. (I use this one in my Journal With Me videos)

Zipper Pocket Notebook

The second notebook I’ve been using a lot lately is a travelers notebook. I’ve had a pink one for years that I use for genealogy purposes. And I recently purchased a bundle for wedding planning details.

Traveler’s Notebooks

The third journal is the one I use on a daily basis for personal diary type writing. It is a bullet journal that I also use pieces from a different kit for creatively designing pages.

Bullet Journal

I recommend decorating your journal however you like! You can use all sorts of colored pens, stickers, washi tape, stencils, or anything at all! It all works together with writing create have your own style while sharing life’s stories.

Here are some other creative items I love using!

Click each item to see the product on the store website:

Related Article: Moments to Journal About

How do you describe the season in writing?

Sit in a peaceful place outside in your yard, or at a park, of by a window. Take a break from everything and observe your surroundings.

What do you notice?

  • What sights do you see around you?
  • What noises do you hear?
  • What smells linger in the air?
  • What do you feel, either physically or emotionally?
  • What flavors do you taste?

The way we experience things at this time of year can be very different than Fall, Winter, or Summer.

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    What can you write about during Spring?

    So like I expressed earlier, Spring means various things to each person uniquely.

    Take whatever areas naturally interest you and expand on it with journaling writing.

    For example, if you enjoy gardening: Write about that process! What kind of seeds did you buy? write the steps of planting them and the timeline of watching them sprout and grow. Share what you love about planting flowers and what it means to you.

    Take photos to go along with your journal entries to include in your notebook. Washi tape is a fun, creative way to stick them on to the pages.

    Journaling About Spring Prompts:

    • Things you want to accomplish
    • Devote time to getting outside each day and write about the experience
    • Track weather patterns
    • Share the timeline of plants growing and wildlife emerging
    • Write about any events you attended with family and friends
    • Get organized with any miscellanous tasks
    • Plan out future travel plans (ideas, packing, booking details, etc.)
    • Share memories of Spring from the past
    • Ideas and activities for the kids’ spring break

    Related Article: Starting a Journal

    More Journaling Content!

    Click here to read more articles all journal ideas and some product recommendations:

    Journaling Articles!

    To watch some Journal With Me videos click here:

    YouTube Channel – RLS Photogenic

    Here is some more content to explore!

    For Family History printable worksheets and Journaling Products, please visit my Etsy shop: https://rlsphotogenicllc.etsy.com

    Use promo code RLSBLOG at checkout for a 5% discount!

    Journal with Me Videos:

    RLS Photogenic YouTube Channel

    About RLS Photogenic:

    RLSPhotogenic.com is dedicated to Preserving Memories for Future Generations with tips for journaling, family tree research, personal sharing, and more!

    To learn more about the blogger behind the content, visit the: About Me Page

    Contact Info:

    Email: RebekkaRLSPhotogenic@gmail.com

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    Any amount helps towards website fees, platform service charges, journaling materials, Etsy listing costs, and time spent writing, filming, editing, etc.

    Thank you for your consideration, – Rebekka

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    6 thoughts on “Journaling About Spring

    1. Some great ideas about writing about in spring. I have a few ideas for my blog that align with yours! Goals, journaling, gardening, being outdoors. Don’t you just love the change into the warm season! 🙂

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