Journaling supplies are available in in-person well known brand stores like Michael’s Craft Store or online at Amazon, But!
They are also available from small business owners on and you can get them right away without the hassle of waiting for a delivery.
You gain access to digital files as soon as you complete the purchase.
Which means you can start journaling, scrapbooking, or crafting right away.
Read on for tips!

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How to Buy & Download Digital Files on Etsy!
First start by going on on your computer, cell phone, or tablet.
Use the search box at the top of the page to type in what you are looking for.
For example “junk journal ephemera printable” and hit enter.
On the results page you will see hundred to thousands of options depending on what you are searching for.
To narrow that down, click the button All Filters
Then under Item Format, select Digital Downloads
Then click Show Results
This new results page will show you all the options for digital download files, that then you can print after purchase.
Etsy Product Listings
What you are viewing now is what are known as “Etsy Listings”
They are all the products you can choose from.
You will see boxes of photos with a title and price listed below the images.
Once you find an option that you are interested in, click the photo listing.
A new page will open up featuring that specific product.
Next, click through the photo album that shows the Etsy listing items contents, and most importantly read the Item Details.
The Item Details should explain:
- what the product is
- what comes with your purchase
- how you will receive the Etsy item
- the product size
- the type of file format (.pdf, jpg, png, etc)
- any other important details
If you decide you would like purchase the item, you click Add to Cart
Next you apply any coupons or discounts you have, select payment, and proceed to checkout.
You will then see a review page to double check that all your information is correct and the product you selected will be listed at the bottom.
Accessing your Etsy Digital Download Purchase
Once you submitted your order on the confirmation page it should say:
“We’ve sent a receipt with links to download your files and order details to (your email address)“
An order number will also be shown and the name of the Etsy Shop you purchased from.
Now go to your email address for your product!
The email should say “Etsy Transactions – Download Your Etsy Purchase from (Etsy Shop Name)”
In that email you will see an image of the product you purchased and a list of the digital download file names.
Select those files and they will download to your computer.
From here you will personally choose how/ where you would like to save the files on your computer/cell phone/tablet.
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Printing Etsy Digital Downloads
Okay now on to the fun part! Printing your Etsy purchase to start journaling or crafting with!
Make sure your printer is on and connected to your device properly (either with cords or wifi)
On your computer, go to where you have the downloaded files saved.
Click the jpg or pdf file open and depending on the type of system you are using, select the print feature. (It may be File on the top left corner, then Print) or a Printer icon.
View the print preview box to decide the Orientation, meaning Portrait or Landscape.
(The Item Details section in the original Etsy listing may also tell you specific print instructions)
The Orientation, Paper Size, and Photo size will all determine how much of the digital file will appear on one page when printing.
Once you have confirmed all the settings you prefer, select Print!
And now you have your Etsy Digital Download product right in your hands, ready to craft with and you didn’t have to go anywhere or wait for a delivery in the mail!
If you’d like to check out my Etsy shop visit:
For any questions, please let me know in the comments and I’d be happy to help you!
Let’s connect over on Pinterest, here are some of my recent pins:
Here is some more content to explore!
For Family History printable worksheets and Journaling Products, please visit my Etsy shop:
Use promo code RLSBLOG at checkout for a 5% discount!
Journal with Me Videos:
RLS Photogenic YouTube Channel
About RLS Photogenic: is dedicated to Preserving Memories for Future Generations with tips for journaling, family tree research, personal sharing, and more!
To learn more about the blogger behind the content, visit the: About Me Page
Contact Info:
Thank you for your support!
If you enjoy the free resources from RLS Photogenic, please consider providing a financial contribution.
Any amount helps towards website fees, platform service charges, journaling materials, Etsy listing costs, and time spent writing, filming, editing, etc.
Thank you for your consideration, – Rebekka
Click Here to Support Content Creation!*Disclaimer: RLS Photogenic Productions L.L.C is an affiliate for:,, Storied and Epidemic Sound, and earns a small commission from qualifying purchases. There is no extra cost to the buyer. Thank you for your support! RLS Photogenic also participates in Google AdSense. The content on and @RLSPhotogenic social media accounts are based on the author’s opinion and not that of the product, brand, or service provider. There are no guarantees of product availability, product usage or condition. To learn more click here: Affiliate Marketing