RLS Photogenic

Preserving Memories for Future Generations

Do you enjoy holiday shopping or is it a task you dread every year? This can be a combination of gift buying, grocery shopping, holiday decor, and all of the above!

This time of year seems like the money is flying out of the bank account faster than the paychecks are getting deposited!

Well I would like to help you! I am by no means a financial expert but enjoy sharing tips that have helped me save and stay organized over the years.

In this blog article I will share advice for holiday shopping savings tips to make the most of this family gift giving and celebration season!

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Savings, Discounts, & Deals

Grocery Shopping

Create a grocery shopping list and stick to it! Check if your store has an app for your phone and set it to your grocery store location.

Depending on the app features you may be able to look up the item you plan on buying and see what aisle the product is located. Write the aisle number down on your list. (I put my list items in order based on aisle)

This can help in two ways!

  1. Saves time from wandering around not knowing where to find the product
  2. Prevents impulse buying of that food item you don’t really need

Find out if your store has a free rewards card.

For example, ShopRite has a Price Plus Card and StopNShop has a Go Rewards Card. Both of these programs provide extra in-store sales, digital coupons to ‘load’ to your card, and an earning points system.

Depending on the store you may be able to get a weekly sale paper. That will show you the major discounts of the week. Many times this plays in to the seasonal items people are typically buying.

Look in to what features your local store programs have to offer. You may be surprised at what you can be saving!

Another app program I recommend is Ibotta. At first I was hesitant but then I quickly learned how to use it and wish I had sooner. It can take a little bit of planning and effort but it does help! (I have earned $35 in cash back, deposited in to my bank since Aug2022-Nov2022)

I find it is best to check the app before your trip to the store to see what deals are available. This program also features many stores and services, not just food products.

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    Holiday Gift Shopping Savings Tips

    Okay so there are the people who start shopping months in advance, and the people who wait until the day before the holiday. I’m the person who starts in August and my friends make fun of me (LOL)

    I know it can be tempting to wait for Black Friday deals, and that can be really great. But often times, many stores begin holiday sales that are just as good much earlier.

    Procrastination can lead to panic shopping, scrambling for just any item, out of stock supplies, or paying rush shipping fees. All of this can be avoided by planning ahead.


    The next thing I recommend is, set a budget! I’m sure you have heard this a hundred times but it is so true. This can be an overall holidays budget or expense limit per person.

    I’m the first to admit I have totally spiraled out of control holiday shopping for my little sister. (We have a 17 year age gap so I treat her as if she were my own child) I just love the excitement of surprising her, my bank account though, not so much (haha)

    Some may interpret gift budgeting as being insincere or cheap, but I view it as the opposite. If I can buy a present for 50% off, that allows more money to purchase an extra gift or experience, such as tickets for an event.

    Discounts and Promos

    Keep an eye out for discount deals, sales, and coupons!

    Similar to what I mentioned in the grocery section, check for reward programs at the company you are buying from. Many times there are email sign ups to get a coupon or free gifts when you spend $X amount. You could always unsubscribe after the holidays are over.

    (For example, Lego has a VIP program. This can help save monetarily but also with extra gift items. Once I even received a free 12 inch Lego Christmas tree for my sister. She still loves it and takes it out every year to put it on display.)

    An extra little trick if you have an account with a company is put an item in your virtual, online cart and then leave it there for a little bit. Don’t check out and purchase right away. Wait as short as a few hours to a day. Depending on the company, they will send you an email such as “Unsure about this item, here’s a coupon” Boom! you now have an extra discount!

    This isn’t offered with every company but it is super helpful!

    Small Businesses

    Something else to consider when shopping- support small businesses! (beyond just Small Business Saturday) Buying from a friend at a craft / vendor sale or online shop will mean the world to them. This transaction will make a big impact to their business, whereas larger stores such as Target may not really notice. It also provides a special, unique gift for your loved ones!

    Another way of supporting small business owners is ask friends, bloggers, influencers etc. who may partner with companies if they have an affiliate link or discount promo code. This helps support both you and your friend this holiday season!

    When you click an affiliate link, it does not add any cost to the buyer. It simply allows your friend’s business to earn a small commission. This also applies to clicking on advertisements displayed on their website.

    They may even have a special promotional discount code they can provide you. It doesn’t hurt to ask!

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    General Savings Tips

    Using Cash

    This is a popular tip that sometimes I disagree with but sharing incase it can help! Shop with only cash.


    • Limits the amount you spend
    • Once you run out of the cash, that’s it, no more
    • Very strict budgeting and calculating tax before checking out of the store


    • No online shopping options
    • No opportunities for cash back programs

    Credit Cards- Money Back

    This leads to my next tip- Credit Cards. This one is a more personal decision for each individual.

    As stated above, I am not a financial expert, simply sharing what works for me and what may help you. Personally I only have one credit card and it is a general card, not for a specific store.

    (Sidenote- Upon encouragement from others, I got it to help build and improve my credit score. As a young adult getting my first apartment a few years ago, I had very low / non-existent credit score when they checked my background. So I use one for my expenses (groceries, gifts, some bills, etc.) All of this stuff still confuses me, but I try to understand!)

    Depending on the credit card program you use, you can earn cash back on purchases!

    For example, you could spend $50 on a gift, but earn $5 back at the end of the month when you pay your bill.

    Credit Cards- Savings

    Another feature that may get over looked is Saving Deals in your bank account app / login (even if it’s just a debit account). There are sometimes deals with other companies, such as “3% cash back for using your card at ShopDisney.com”

    There are variables for each company and organization but it is worth doing some research! If you have any questions about what I specifically use please email me or send a direct message on social media!

    Gift Ideas!

    (*Disclosure- RLS Photogenic is an Amazon Associate and earns a small commission from qualifying purchases when you click through links. There is no extra cost to the buyer.)

    Now for some fun content! Sharing holiday gift ideas for the whole family!

    Digital Gift Cards:

    Presents for Kids:

    Ideas for Tweens/Teens:

    Gifts for Young Adults:

    Gifts for Adults/ Parents/ Grandparents:

    |Related article- DNA Tests, Risks and Rewards


    Here is some more content to explore!

    For Family History printable worksheets and Journaling Products, please visit my Etsy shop: https://rlsphotogenicllc.etsy.com

    Use promo code RLSBLOG at checkout for a 5% discount!

    Journal with Me Videos:

    RLS Photogenic YouTube Channel

    About RLS Photogenic:

    RLSPhotogenic.com is dedicated to Preserving Memories for Future Generations with tips for journaling, family tree research, personal sharing, and more!

    To learn more about the blogger behind the content, visit the: About Me Page

    Contact Info:

    Email: RebekkaRLSPhotogenic@gmail.com

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    *Disclaimer: RLS Photogenic Productions L.L.C is an affiliate for: Amazon.com, Ancestry.com, Storied and Epidemic Sound, and earns a small commission from qualifying purchases. There is no extra cost to the buyer. Thank you for your support! RLS Photogenic also participates in Google AdSense. The content on RLSPhotogenic.com and @RLSPhotogenic social media accounts are based on the author’s opinion and not that of the product, brand, or service provider. There are no guarantees of product availability, product usage or condition. To learn more click here: Affiliate Marketing

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    9 thoughts on “Holiday Shopping Tips & Gift Ideas

    1. Some great tips here! And soms nice inspiration also! At the fully I’m absorbing the Black Friday sales.

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