Getting started with your family history research can seem like an overwhelming challenge but it begins with a few simple steps.
I’ve been working on this blog for over 2 years now and have written quite a few articles about this topic and created printable worksheets.
But I thought it may be helpful to have one post that outlines some recommended go to starting points.
Okay so if you aren’t sure what genealogy is, and want a bit more clarity, I go in to detail about the definition here:
Next you may want to consider a family book to organize all the genealogy information you collect.
This colorful and beautifully designed book is great for writing in information about your ancestors and special notes: (*Amazon affiliate link)
There a lot of various websites and in person options to choose from when exploring your ancestry.
I have a starter Family History Research Checklist printable / fillable worksheet available in my Etsy shop, available here:
Getting Started
Now that we got the basics out of the way, lets dive in to resources and places to learn more information.
First, the website you have probably heard the most about is Ancestry.
Ancestry is a program that once you create an account you can explore millions of digitized records that can tell you the story of your family history.
There are additional parts Ancestry such as DNA testing for both humans and animals.
Learn more here:
Newspapers & Cemeteries
My next favorite website and recommendation features archives of 27,100+ newspapers.
For a 7 day free trail, enjoy my affiliate link by clicking here:
To learn more on how to use the research tools available and the process for saving article clippings to add to your family tree, click here:
This one may surprise you but cemeteries, both in person and digitized online records, are incredibly helpful!
The information listed on a memorial headstone or written in an associated obituary can tell you so much about your ancestor.
Read more here:
Genealogy Gifts
This is a bit more of a fun section of this blog post!
If you are shopping for a family historian or are making a list of gifts for yourself, here is a genealogy gift guide!
Great for the holidays, birthdays, or any special occasion.
Explore more by clicking here:
I hope this summary article was helpful for you and don’t forget to get your Family History Research Checklist here:

Thank you for reading, best of luck with your family history research!
For more articles to explore:
Here is some more content to explore!
For Family History printable worksheets and Journaling Products, please visit my Etsy shop:
Use promo code RLSBLOG at checkout for a 5% discount!
Journal with Me Videos:
RLS Photogenic YouTube Channel
About RLS Photogenic: is dedicated to Preserving Memories for Future Generations with tips for journaling, family tree research, personal sharing, and more!
To learn more about the blogger behind the content, visit the: About Me Page
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Thank you for your consideration, – Rebekka
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