A helpful tool for family tree research is Google Earth.
If you are curious about where your ancestors lived, this is a modern way to see the area they were from on a digital map.

As a side note, I recommend using Google Earth on a desktop computer or laptop versus a mobile device for better a better view.
To learn more, read on!
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How Google Earth Helps with Family Tree Research
First to explain what exactly Google Earth is, it’s a website / program that allows you to search and view locations all over the world.
Footage has been captured with cameras and compiled together to show roads, streets, buildings, and residencies.
Some more private areas are not completely visible up close but a bird’s eye view is usually available.
This provides an opportunity to search the many locations your ancestors lived over the years.
While you may see the current view of their home, and not the past, it still can give some context as to where they spent their time growing up.
How to Search & Save Locations
Google Earth provides the option to save projects on your Google Drive account connected to your email address.
To do this, click “+ New” and then “Create”
From there you will be prompted to log in to your gmail account, if you haven’t already.
At the top of the page you will see a text box that says “Search Google Earth”
In that box type in what you are looking for:
- Building / Business Name
- Street Address
- Longitude and Latitude of a location
Once you are finished typing, hit “enter” on your keyboard and the map will zoom in to the location you are looking for.
You now have the option to click the blue box to the right in the upper right corner that says, “Save to Project”
Google Earth Tools
The program also provides other special features that can help you connect where ancestors lived and in relation to each other.
For example, view the options bar above the search box, it should say “File, View, Add, Tools, and Help”
Click the “add” to view options for:
- Placemark – places a blue pin at the location you selected
- Polygon – select a starting and end point. Once you choose the locations, you can see the distance by miles, or other measurements you prefer.
- Slide- create a slide to save to your goggle account
New features are added over time so be sure to check out any other options!
Happy searching!
Here is some more content to explore!
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Journal with Me Videos:
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About RLS Photogenic:
RLSPhotogenic.com is dedicated to Preserving Memories for Future Generations with tips for journaling, family tree research, personal sharing, and more!
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Contact Info:
Email: RebekkaRLSPhotogenic@gmail.com
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Thank you for your consideration, – Rebekka
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