A frequently asked question when considering genealogy is- is family tree research free or is there a cost?
This topic is common on online search platforms and in personal conversations.
So I think the best way to address it is with a blog article!

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First, let’s start with this question:
What is it called when you research your family tree?
Well, a lot of people refer to it as “ancestry” but the proper term is Genealogy.
The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines genealogy as – the line of ancestors of a person or family or a history of such a line of ancestors, or the study of family lines of ancestors.
The term Ancestry is commonly known from the company that provides family research services.
| Related Article: Finding Ancestors in Yearbooks
How can I find my family tree research for free, without paying?
While there are paid resources for family tree research, you can certainly start for free.
Begin with information you already know, and believe to be true.
(I wrote it that way because there are chances the facts are different from the reality of what you’ve been told.)
Also ask your family and family-friends what stories they may be aware of and able to share.
For printable Genealogy Organization Sheets visit my Etsy Shop: https://rlsphotogenicllc.etsy.com Use promo code RLSBLOG for a 5% discount!
Begin Searching
So, now look through your home for any photos, paperwork, records, or journals that have details about your ancestors.
Such as names, birth/death dates, addresses, employment, marriages, immigration, military information, etc.
Next, connect these pieces together with key details that make up the story of your ancestors.
(*Ad Break- Family Tree Book Recommendation! Great for tracking your family history! Click the link to view on Amazon)
Our Family Tree: Peter Pauper Press
Tree Structure
Then begin with yourself, work your way backwards through the generations, and outward (siblings, aunts, uncles, cousins.)
You will quickly have the foundation of your family tree.
To go a step further, explore your options to uncover more information.
Go to or reach out to places or areas your ancestors spent their time.
More free places to check out
For example, see if the town they lived in, has a local historical society or genealogy groups, or even libraries. These organizations can provide a wealth of knowledge.
If available, contact their place of former employment or hospitals for health records. (This would be the Health Information Management Department)
|Related Article: Cemeteries Help Family Tree Research
Visit cemeteries to look for information that appears on headstones or in cemetery records.
FindAGrave.com is a helpful site that is completely free to use! (I use this resource for myself and am also a volunteer.)
Check ebay for items that mention your ancestor such as postcards, photographs, heirlooms, books, or anything that connects to your loved ones.
(I have found and purchased postcards from my ancestor’s home towns, as well as a book my relative was quoted in the opening pages. So you never know what’s out there!)
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How much does it cost to research a family tree?
If you would like to try paid genealogy options, there are many programs to choose from.
Personally I use Ancestry.com and Newspapers.com
| Related Article: 5 Things to Find on Newspapers.com
Genealogy Research Pricing Breakdowns
This is the price breakdown for website plans as of July 2023:
- US Discovery – $24.99/month OR $21.99/ 6 months
- World Explorer – $39.99/month OR $32.99/ 6 months
- All Access- $59.99/month OR $49.99/ 6 months
- All Access Family Plan- $99.99/month OR $79.99/ 6 months
For a more detailed outline for what each plan includes, please visit:
- Basic $7.95/month OR $44.95/ 6 months
- Publisher Extra $19.90/month OR $74.90/ 6 months
Click this banner image for a free trail and to search for your ancestors:
(*RLS Photogenic is a Newspapers.com affiliate and may receive a commission. Thank you for supporting my blog!)
Family Tree Research Free Census Tutorial Video:
How do I access genealogy records to learn more about my ancestors?
There are endless resources for accessing genealogy records.
Each website provides different documents and photos based on availability and in the files of the program you are using.
Various features are also included depending on the resource site you are using.
And it does take time to discover what program is best for you and where your ancestors records are included.
But enjoy the process of exploring and you may be surprised by what you find!
| Related Article: How to Use Newspapers.com
For more Genealogy Family Research tips and articles please visit:
Here is some more content to explore!
For Family History printable worksheets and Journaling Products, please visit my Etsy shop: https://rlsphotogenicllc.etsy.com
Use promo code RLSBLOG at checkout for a 5% discount!
Journal with Me Videos:
RLS Photogenic YouTube Channel
About RLS Photogenic:
RLSPhotogenic.com is dedicated to Preserving Memories for Future Generations with tips for journaling, family tree research, personal sharing, and more!
To learn more about the blogger behind the content, visit the: About Me Page
Contact Info:
Email: RebekkaRLSPhotogenic@gmail.com
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Thank you for your consideration, – Rebekka
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Thank you for this post.
It is very insightful! It is great to know your ancestry and those who have gone before you and the great things they accomplished.
I completely agree! It’s so exciting hearing their stories. Thank you for reading!