As a long time member, I received an email notice that Ancestry is launching a dog DNA test kit called “Know Your Pet DNA Kit”
I have seen offers like this before from other companies but this is all new to
It makes me wonder what can you really learn about your pet’s DNA and why someone would want to do this.
I can understand why a person would want to know more about their own background, but their dog’s? So I just had to look in to this and what is provided with results.

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How to Take your Dog’s DNA Test
According to the website it is a simple 3 part process for purchasing your kit, taking the dog test, and sending back the DNA sample.
Once you receive the “Know Your Pet DNA Kit” register the kit on the Ancestry website with an activation code.
It seems to be very similar to the human DNA test process in that sense.
If you have an existing account with ancestry that you won’t need to set up a new login.
The activation code is used to match the DNA sample you send in, with the results processed in the lab. This is to ensure you receive your proper information.
Per Ancestry, to obtain your dog’s DNA you will need to swab their inner cheek for 30 seconds.
It is recommended to wait 30 minutes after they have drank or eaten.
Once the physical swab is complete, put the tool in the tube the kit comes with, and shake it 10 times. (It sort of sounds like a covid test, for reference)
Side note- I’m not sure about your dog, but I don’t know how mine would handle something being rubbed along their cheek for 30 seconds. So you may want to plan to have someone else there to help you!
| Related Article: DNA Tests, Risks & Rewards
Once the testing process is complete, you will need to package up the test tube in the bag provided with the kit.
Next send the prepaid return box, in the mail back to
Side note- Prepare to wait a few weeks for results. Especially around the holiday time when a lot of kits may be gifted and submitted.
Ancestry Dog DNA Test Results
Now for the exciting part, the doggy DNA results!
When the test is reviewed, you will receive a notice in your Ancestry account, and also by email that the information is ready!
From the DNA you will learn your dog’s breed mix, inherited traits from their mother and father, and matches with other dog’s whose owners processed tests as well.
Breed Mix & Inheritance
To summarize what the “breed mix” means, an example on their website says, “46% labrador retriever, 25% poodle, 13% golden retriever, 10% chow chow, 6% other.”
The inheritance will show what traits come from the dog’s mother or father.
| Related Article: Ancestry DNA Test Results
Dog Matches
I will admit, this does seem pretty cool!
For example, when my dog was adopted we knew he had a sister, Noel. But unfortunately we couldn’t take on an additional pet. So if through DNA we connected with the family that adopted her, it would be so special for the dogs to reunite.
There may also be the discovery that your pet is related to a lot of dogs in your area or even across the country.
It may also provide the opportunity to know of health issues to look for if you find out a related dog has had some struggles.
Dog DNA Test Pricing
At the time of writing this article, 9/16/23 there is an introductory sale going on for the tests costing $75 until 9/30/23.
After that, the regular price will be $99, plus shipping.
To purchase a kit, click here: Know Your Pet’s DNA
Overall I do think processing a pet’s DNA is a fun experience and the opportunity to learn a lot more about your canine friend.
I have done the human dna tests and wrote about it on this blog. So if I purchase the dog DNA test for my pet, I will be sure to let you know!
Thanks for reading, talk more soon!
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Great post!
Thank you!
We’ve been debating a DNA test for our 9 month old “mutt” puppy- this a great option! Thanks for the helpful info.
Oh that’s so exciting! Happy to help! Good luck with the puppy’s test!
I love it ♥️
Thanks for reading!