In this article I will teach you how to find marriage records for free online.
I will go over what resources you can use to search for information.
You will learn what details can be pulled from records to expand your family tree printable resources and product recommendations will also be provided.
So continue reading to learn more!

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What Information can a Marriage Index Provide About Ancestor
Depending on what files you locate, you will learn more about your ancestors.
Marriage index records in the United States generally provide:
- Wife’s maiden name
- Husband’s name
- Date of the Marriage
- Location of venue/residence
- Certificate Number
This is the more basic, straight forward minimal details.
A marriage announcement (or sometimes an engagement announcement) tends to share a lot more insight. It paints more of a picture into the full story about the couple, their family, the wedding details, and the plan for life after the celebration.
All of this information even adds branches to your family tree.
But where do you search for these files?
Read on to discover more!
|Related Article: 5 Things to Find on
How to Search to Find USA State Public Marriage Records
On marriage records are available by searching the online catalog.
The process for searching is:
When visiting, go to “Search”- “Birth, Marriage, Death” you will then be on a landing page with a search form.
From information you know, or from census records and other resources to narrow down results, enter in:
- First, Middle, Last Name
- Day, Month, Year, Location for Birth, Death, Marriage, Any Event
- Add Family Members, First/Last Name: Father, Mother, Spouse, Child
- Keyword(s)
- Gender
- Collection Focus
Then click the search box.
Now begin exploring the results!
|Related Article: Family Tree Research – Free or Fee?
What Marriage Records are Available on
On there are thousands of newspapers digitized and available to read and virtually clip.
By searching names, keywords, dates, and locations you have the possibility to find your ancestors.
Important articles to look for are engagement announcements and marriage announcements.
Details to look for are:
- Name of Bride and Groom
- Bridal/Groom Party Names
- Witnesses
- Venue and location of the wedding
- Age of Bride and Groom
- Occupations
- Education
- Wedding Vendor Info
- Residence of the couple
To learn more about how to use the newspapers website click here:
|Related Article: How to Use
To search marriage records online click here: Marriage Records
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Family Tree Info from Marriage Announcements
When you find out family details that will help build out other branches of your tree.
For example, the bride’s maiden name. That provides insight in to most likely her father’s last name.
There is a chance that she was previously married, so keep that in mind as well.
If you gain access to a marriage license, that will commonly have the bride and groom’s mother’s birth/maiden name as well.
Another route of names is if siblings are mentioned as witnesses, in the bride/groom party, or as guests.
For example, if the bride’s sister is listed as a witness it may also have her married name.
In a lot of cases the location of the wedding provides valuable clues to residential areas.
They may not necessarily live in that town but maybe they have in the past, will in the future, or the location has special meaning.
As I always caution in my blog articles about family research, keep in mind you may discover something you never knew about before.
So weigh the possibilities but try to have an open mind.
You can’t change the past but you can make peace with it in your own way.
|Related Article: 1950 Census Records
[For a helpful Printable from my etsy shop click here:
Marriage Records Organizer Sheet
use promo code RLSBLOG for a 5% discount!]

With each new leaf you uncover and learn about, you are another step further in building your family tree.
Researching family history can be a challenge but there are also rewards for feeling closer to the ancestors who came before and played a roll in who you are today.
Thanks for reading and talk more soon!
[For a 7 day free trail to search click here: Historical Marriage Announcements]
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This is a great walkthrough! So helpful, thanks for sharing.
Thank you for reading!